First Times
Yeah, yeah. You've heard it right. This would be my first try, my sort of baptismal of fire on web logging. Though I have a couple of web-based account (e.g. Friendster and Myspace), I have not ventured yet into this wonderful world of blogging (that's according to my friends).
So I guess I have to write something funny and interesting to get your attention and waste some of your minutes to read my blogs. Well, here's one. I'll be moving to Cebu next week and I am scared to my wits. I have applied for a promotion last month and luckily, I got the job. At least I will be going with my friend/teammate. But still, this will be a new experience altogether. This will be my first time to spend the Christmas and New Year away from the family. This will also be the first time I'll be independent, meaning, there is no more Mom to ask for money if you've over-spent your last month's salary, no more cable TV to watch all-night long, no more brothers and sisters to fight with over who's gonna do the dishes, no more friends to call when your bored and you need to have a dose of your favorite Starbucks frappuccino, no more boyfriends to quarrel with over trivial stuff .... sigh.... so many things to sacrifice.
God! I'm gonna miss all of that. Thanks to the wonders of SMS and e-mail, at least there is no problem keeping in touch with each other.
But what I'm gonna miss the most is the companionship, the people, the time spent with my friends and coworkers. This is gonna be so hard.
Well, that's the price to pay for this promotion. I'm just hoping all will turn out well. And besides, this change will bring so many new things in my life. New work, new status (read: single), new house, new friends and new relationships to build. I'm basically starting from scratch.
Hmmm... I have this conflicting feeling over this matter. I'm happy yet sad, I'm scared yet excited. Well then, this will be a new chapter in my life and I tend to live it to the fullest.

I hate goodbyes. Who doesn't??? My last day with the team and my friends was one of the saddest day of my life.
Saying goodbye is always difficult and emotional. As I've said, I am working really hard to be less of a drama-queen everyday but when it comes to these kinds of things, I really can't help it. Specially if your friends and teammates (read: TL) has the flair for the dramatics. Hehehe! I spent my last days in Manila with the people dearest to me, my friends and my teammates. With the latter, we went karaoke-ing fot the last time together, our favorite past time aside from gossiping of course. It was bittersweet. I thought I would not shed a single tear that night but when my TL started crying I just sobbed. The Hoover dam gave in. I started hugging each of my teammates and can't help but think of the crazy times we have spent together as ONE team. It will be long before were gonna see each other again so I cherished every single second with them. I was hysterically sobbing on my way home.
The taxi driver must have thought I was crazy. But who cares, I was sad and I wanted to let all my friends know that I am. The good things was that I felt how appreciated I was. Though I knew that we as a team shared something special, professional maybe and personal most of the times but I never expected that I'll carry this heavy feeling while the cab was driving away from these people and seeming them disappear in the horizon. We say that people that we meet will ineviatably affect and change us in one way or another, I could not agree more.
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