Sunday, March 04, 2007

M Knows He is LOVED

This is plagiarism to the highest level. I copied this from a friends blog - and yeah - I think I know who he's talking about.

You said it best - intsik!

My friend knows what he is capable of. He may have chosen to be a stand-off most of the time, he remains endearing. I always remind him that he has all that it takes. He just have to know himself.

He is not devoid of good looks. I mean by just looking at his eyes, you could easily be swallowed by his commanding presence. The elusive smile is enough to make women and gays alike to get totally hooked. But then again, he knows his skills, not what he is made of.

I admire him for his choices. To seclude himself (like what he would like to impress to many) is an option he fairly enjoys. The mystery builds up. Well, he gets to have the attention he sourly avoids.

And yet I see in his eyes the desire to belong. He often reminds me of my own vulnerability. The difference is he's good at masking his own fears. I am not. I am as transparent as crystal. My friend is as ambiguous as the character in Vendetta.

I found myself engulfed by his charisma. I am thankful we get along. He is difficult to decipher. The mood is unbelievable. You have to get to know him for you to appreciate the mystique.

M does know that when love comes knocking on his door, he has no choice but to open it. I am looking forward to that day. For whatever reason, it interests me to know that despite his cynicism, he is capable of love.

I know, somewhere in his heart, he longs to love and be loved, like most of us.

POST - SCRIPT: (This is mine)

I liked how Intsik described M. It could be superficially true but in the end, who can say that we really knew anyone?


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