Monday, November 28, 2005

Strolling Down the Memory Lane

"Let me take you down, ’cause I’m going to strawberry fields.
Nothing is real and nothing to get hungabout." - Beatles

I know that the title is tacky, but what the hell! I feel nostalgic today. Kung ano man ang isusulat ko dito, you cannot blame me, I am melancholic.

Anyway, I was in Ayala window-shopping when a sudden wave of nostalagia hit me. I don't know why, but I suddenly felt like crying. I am not pyscho or something, I know for a fact that you have has the same experience as well. You know, that feeling that suddenly you were all alone and in despair. I am not sure what triggered this emotion but I felt that I needed to write something about it. So ayan, I was not planning to do this but I can't help but update this blog.

Remember the days when you were younger? Not that I am old, you know, those days? Those days when everything was almost okay? When the dollar was only 25 pesos? When Phillipines 2000 was still a dream and not a nightmare that it became? Hay, those were the days!

This reminiscing of the past brought me some good ol' memories. I think, my concious past started when I was in high school. I can still remember the dread that I felt during the first day of school. The teacher was calling each name to assign a section. All the familiar names were already called and was already ushered into their respective classrooms. Only a bunch of scared-looking freshmen were left. Apparently, those scared-looking bunch was to be my classmates and that we were the pilot section. Yes! First day of my first year high school life.

The time does fly! Don't look now! After four gruelling years of studying, lame Foundation Day performances, numerous slogan-making contests, thousands of quizzes, hundreds of periodical exams and countless irepairable embarassing moments, graduation day is here!

I know for a fact that high school was the best time of my life. Why? Because this was the time when all our dreams were formed. This was the time when we thought we already know ourselves and sternly believed it until such event that would wake us out of our stupor and shake us to the core. This was the time when we had our first crush, first love, first pimple.... almost everything first in the maddening pre-adolescent world is experienced during high school. Personally, I had my first heart-break during high school. The details are too gory for this blog so if you wanna ask, I'll tell you about it over coffee.

I remembered my silly dream. I wanted to become the President. Well, back then, I was not thinking of becoming the first gay president, I just wanted to be the President. How stupid can I be? I then took Pol Sci to follow that dream, but college was different. I was so disillusioned that I had to stop school.

Anyway.... I am not sure if this post can capture what I am really feeling right now. I am sure that you can relate to this one way or another.

Hay. I miss the simplicity of that life, when all we can think of was... well, nothing really. We were carefree and free as a bird. Now, we have our bosses, the deadlines to beat, the reports to be submitted, the numbers to be met, the bills to be paid. I hate it.

Don't you just wish that for one day, just one day, we can go back to those days and live it all over again?